1. Plant is offered subject to availability at times of requirement.
2. Hire charges are strictly net and chargeable from the time the equipment leaves the owners yard and until it is received back.
3. The owner accepts no liability in respect of delay in making the plant available or for the breakdown thereof or in the execution of necessary repairs or renewals or the consequential losses of any kind.
4. Repairs and renewals becoming necessary during hire period will be carried out by the owner where such repairs/renewals are due to any cause other than wear and tear the cost of same will be charged to the Hirer.
5. The Hirer is responsible for checking Oil - Water - Tyres and repairing all punctures.
6. Hirer’s responsibility for the loss and damage: During the continuance of the hire period the Hirer shall make good to the Owner all loss of or damage to the Plant from whatever cause the same may arise, fair wear and tear excepted and for the payment of hire at the idle time rate of 2/3 for the period the plant is necessarily idle due to such damage. The Hirer will also fully indemnify the Owner in respect of all claims by nay person whatsoever for injury to person or property caused by or in connection with or arising out of the use of the Plant and in respect of all costs and charges in connection therewith arising stature or common law.
7. Plant and machinery is to return in a clean condition as it is delivered. (Cleaning charges may apply)
8. Plant and machinery is to be returned full or fuel as it is delivered. (re fueling charges may apply)
9. Damages, cleaning & fuel deposit will be required with each item hired.
10. Invoices to be paid by return via bacs payment